The Award
Awards are made to children who have shown incredible courage and bravery battling to overcome illness, handicap, or other adversities.

“This is a cause very close to my heart. I see first hand what a Brave Heart award means to the winners and to their families, and it is a real privilege to be involved.”
— Chris Metcalfe, Trustee
All have received either the holiday of a lifetime, the toy or computer of their dreams, for example, but it is perhaps the Brave Heart Crystal, recognising they are indeed special children, which they value most.
Every year numerous Awards are made to our nominees. One of the striking features of all the children Brave Hearts has helped is the fact that each of them sees nothing remarkable about their struggle to overcome adversity.... because for each "Brave Heart", it is simply a part of their everyday life.
As a final tribute … many of the children recognised by Brave Hearts were so ill that they have not survived their illnesses, including Joanne herself, who died in 1993. The children chosen to receive awards along with their immediate families and friends are invited to attend.
Nominate a Brave Heart
The nominee should be:
Between the ages of 5 to 16 years old in the year the nomination is being made.
Resident within the Brave Heart catchment area which is, the North-East of England from the Scottish border down to include North Yorkshire and also across the country to include Cumbria.
The nominee should have displayed exceptional character and courage in overcoming their difficulties arising out of serious sickness or injury.
Submitting your nomination
Your nomination will be sent to the charities trustees who will be asked to consider the nomination in the light of all the information submitted. The nominating person will be advised in due course of the outcome. Please allow a few weeks for this process to take place.
If successful the nominee and members of their family will be invited to attend the next available award presentation where they will receive their award plus a gift during one of our very special award ceremonies.
Nominate a Brave Heart
Please include as much detail as possible about how the nominee demonstrates their courage.
Brave Hearts of The North East do not make monetary donations to individual children or groups of children or their families, and currently limit their charitable distributions to gifts for children who qualify for a Brave Hearts award at, or relating to, the presentation of such awards as agreed by the Trustees.