Brave Hearts of the North East is dedicated to putting smiles on the faces of brave young children. But we need to raise tens of thousands of pounds a year to be able to put on our fundraising events, help local Children's hospitals, hold annual presentations, arrange gifts and be able to award children with the inspirational Brave Heart Award.

“Having worked with the people involved in running Brave Hearts for the last couple of years, I see first hand how they selflessly put their heart and soul into the charity. Every single penny raised through events goes to providing for the children. I’m very proud to be associated with Brave Hearts of the North East.”
— Steve Wall, Annual Dinner MC
Our work simply couldn’t happen without our amazing supporters who raise money that funds it.
Whether you are taking part in or organising an event, holding a cake sale, or even growing a moustache, there's so many ways you can help.
Every penny donated to Brave Hearts helps us to keep recognising these remarkable children, making them and their families feel so special when overcoming illness.
Each year we hold an annual Sportsman Dinner and enter a team of runners into the Great North Run to raise money for the charity - where there is always an auction, raffle, the opportunity to purchase Brave Hearts merchandise and just to make a donation to the charity. To keep up to date on our fundraising events and how to get involved, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Click here to donate.
Don’t forget, if you choose to Gift Aid your donation, every gift you make to Brave Hearts could be worth 25% more at no extra cost to you! -
Text 'BRVH12' and the amount you want to donate (e.g. £2) to 70070 to make a donation to Brave Hearts of the North East.
Using bank transfer, select the amount you want to donate (e.g. £2) to Brave Hearts of the North East. Please use the following details:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30-94-19
Account number: 00319613 -
If you prefer you can make a donation by sending a cheque to:
Brave Hearts of the North East
c/o Blueline Group
Blueline Business Development Centre
563 Shields Road
Newcastle upon Tyne